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Mediatization of Beliefs: The Adventism from “Morning Star” to the Public Sphere

Artigo-Cultura Midiática e Religião
Stefan Bratosin


This article examines “the material becoming-forces of symbolic forms” mobilized by the Adventist beliefs in the public sphere of the United States of America during the 19th century. Particularly, the article focuses on the “transformation” of the prophetic letter’s secret of the Bible into “communicative action”, which is both civil and religious. The article aims to test the strengths and the weaknesses of Adventism’s symbolic function in the paradigmatic myth of the State, on the assumption that, in the creation of spiritual meaning in the present world, Adventism is an external referent to social transformation. Theoretical and exploratory in nature, this article also seeks to broaden the understanding of an atypical religion—“without particular religion”—through the old and the new media theory and research program of mediatization.

Leia a dissertação <<<Mediatization of Beliefs: The Adventism from “Morning Star” to the Public Sphere>>> no Mídia, Religião e Sociedade ou baixe diretamente no <<<site do Journal Religions>>>.

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Marco Túlio de Sousa
Marco Túlio de Sousa
Doutor em Comunicação pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), mestre em Comunicação pela UFMG e graduado em Comunicação (Jornalismo) pela UFJF. Criador do grupo "Mídia, Religião e Poder" no facebook e do blog "Mídia, Religião e Sociedade". Desenvolve pesquisas sobre experiência religiosa e mídia.

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