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Considering critical methods and theoretical lenses in digital religion studies

Artigo - Internet e Religião
Mia Lövheim
Heidi Campbell


This article introduces a special issue on critical methods and theoretical lenses in Digital Religion studies, through contextualising them within research trajectories found in this emerging field. By starting from the assertion that current “fourth-wave of research on religion and the Internet,” is focused on how religious actors negotiate the relationships between multiple spheres of their online and offline lives, article authors spotlight key theoretical discussions and methodological approaches occurring within this interdisciplinary area of inquiry. It concludes with notable methodological and theoretical challenges in need of further exploration. Together it demonstrates how religion is practiced and reimagined within digital media spaces, and how such analysis can contribute to broader understanding of the social and cultural changes new media technologies are facilitating within society.

Leia o artigo <<<Considering critical methods and theoretical lenses in digital religion studies>>> de Mia Lövheim e Heidi Campbell ou baixe diretamente no site da revista New Media and Society.

Confira outros textos de <<<Mia Lövheim>>> publicados no Mídia, Religião e Sociedade.

Confira outros textos de <<<Heidi Campbell>>> publicados no Mídia, Religião e Sociedade.

Mídia, Religião e Sociedade
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