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Conferência nos Estados Unidos recebe trabalhos sobre Comunicação e Religião

Estão abertas as submissões de trabalhos para a pré-conferência “Global Populism: Its Roots in Media and Religion”, um dos eventos que integram a 69ª edição do Congresso da International Communication Association (ICA), associação norte-americana de pesquisadores em Comunicação. O encontro sobre comunicação e religião é organizado pelos professores Stewart Hoover, Johanna Sumiala, Heidi Campbell,  Sarah McFarland Taylor, Jenna Supp-Montgomerie, Corrina Laughlin e Loyola Marymount.

A pré-conferência será realizada no dia 24 de maio de 2019 em Washington DC. O evento maior do qual ela faz parte começa nesta mesma data e se estende até o dia 28. Embora o foco seja o eixo comunicação, religião e política, há abertura para outros tópicos que envolvem mídia e religião. Os papers ou resumos de no máximo 250 palavras deverão ser submetidos em inglês aos organizadores pelo email <<<cmrc@colorado.edu>>> até o dia 15 de dezembro. Os aceites serão divulgados por email em Janeiro do próximo ano.

Para mais informações acesse o <<<site do ICA>>>.

Segue abaixo o call for papers:


A Pre-conference on Media and Religion International Communication Association Annual Meeting Washington, DC, USA 24 May, 2018
Global Populism: Its Roots in Media and Religion

The “new era” of politics in the North Atlantic West that has followed the Brexit vote in Britain, the Trump election in the U.S., and political upheavals elsewhere in Europe challenges settled ideas about media, politics, and culture. Emergent populist movements in the West but also in Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa increasingly use symbols and tropes drawing on remembered, repressed, contested, implicit and explicit valences of “the religious.” The persistent power of religion to mobilize new populism confounds expectations that religion would fade in significance as we moved further into the new century. Among the most vexing—and least understood—questions are those surrounding the role of religion in these developments and how media and systems of mediation—particularly digital mediation—make religion’s new participation possible. Religion has persisted, grown in influence, and moved well outside our received categories of analysis; it is expressed in a variety of registers and contexts that defy traditional framings. This is nowhere more critical than in the ways religious symbols, interests and claims are deployed in the evolving new populist politics. Scholars of media have a special interest and expertise in addressing phenomena such as this, yet the field often struggles to incorporate serious scholarship of religion into its work. This pre-conference is intended to begin a conversation about this lacuna even as it addresses its overall theme.

This pre-conference will feature a morning expert panel including John Jackson of the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania, Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute, former U.S. Congressman Tom Perriello (tentative) and an expert on media, religion, and populism outside the North Atlantic West (TBA).

The afternoon will be devoted to two panels made up of submitted proposals and papers and a final, wrap-up round table discussion.

Relevant papers and proposals for the afternoon that address the rise of new politics and the role of religion and of media in it will be welcomed. Proposals may also address broader questions of the challenges religion poses to media scholarship.

Preconference organizers and contacts:
Stewart M. Hoover, University of Colorado hoover@colorado.edu; Johanna Sumiala, University of Helsinki johanna.sumiala@helsinki.fi; Heidi Campbell, Texas A&M University heidic@tamu.edu; Sarah McFarland Taylor, Northwestern University smcftaylor@gmail.com; Jenna Supp-Montgomerie, University of Iowa jenna-supp-montgomerie@uiowa.edu; Corrina Laughlin, Loyola Marymount University Corrina.Laughlin@LMU.edu.

Endorsing Divisions: Philosophy, Theory, and Critique; Popular Communication; Global Communication.

Papers or abstracts of 250 words maximum should be submitted to the organizers at cmrc@colorado.edu by December 15, 2018. Acceptances will be emailed at the time of the overall ICA acceptances in January




Mídia, Religião e Sociedade
Mídia, Religião e Sociedade
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